Dental Hygiene

What Can You Expect at a Dental Exam?

We hope you look forward to your dental exam as much as we look forward to seeing you! You are in good hands if this is your first time at Anthony Dental. You can rest assured that you will experience comfortable and comprehensive care during your regular checkup. Here’s what you can expect at your visit:

  • Cleaning: We use the latest tools, technologies, and techniques to clean your teeth deeply. This includes removing buildups of plaque and tartar. If necessary, we will take X-rays to see if any problems are lurking beneath the surface of your teeth.
  • Visual exam: Once your teeth are clean, we’ll take a look to rule out gum disease, screen for oral cancer, detect cavities as early as possible, identify any issues with TMJ, and more. We’re looking for early signs and symptoms of issues that are most effectively addressed as soon as possible. If you’ve noticed anything amiss between appointments, feel free to share.
  • Consultation: We will discuss any issues found during the cleaning or exam. This is also a good time to get your questions answered, so ask away.

How Often Should You Schedule a Dental Exam?

In most cases, we would like to see you back in the office twice each year for a dental exam. These regular appointments will help us ensure that your smile stays healthy. Even if you do a good job taking care of your teeth at home, it is still essential to come to your appointments. We will be able to diagnose any possible issues early and form a plan to work with you to address them. You’ll save time, money, and future discomfort with more intensive treatments.

In some cases, we may recommend seeing us more often, mainly if you are one of our periodontal patients. When we are helping you recover from gum disease, we can see you more frequently. These visits are essential for your health and include special attention and treatments to keep your health on track.

If you notice an issue with your teeth, like sudden pain or sudden and unexpected changes in your gums or mouth, there’s no reason to worry — or to put off the issue until your next regularly scheduled appointment. We’re proud to offer emergency dental care to help you with whatever issue you might be having. Even if you have a question, we’re a phone call away!

How Can You Maintain Your Oral Health?

Though we’ll plan on seeing you at least once every six months, there is a tremendous amount of good that you can do on your own, at home, to maintain the health of your smile. You are an essential part of your oral health plan, and we want to ensure that you have the tools and resources to take the best care of yourself. From regularly brushing and flossing to rinsing with water every time you eat, there’s plenty you can do to be a good ally in your dental hygiene.

Questions about your oral health or ready to schedule your next regular checkup? We’re here for you! Give us a call.

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We believe in a patient-centered approach to dental care. What does that mean? It means that we talk with you. We practice dentistry in the best interest of our patient’s health.

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Comforted by the staff. Practical and solid advice from Dr. Bookwalter. Considerate of my age and condition.

Maria G

I love going to get my teeth cleaned! Especially when you have wonderful folks like those at Anthony dental care.

Dani W

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